Yeah!! we've battled 300 spartans warriors to get you this. ;p've seen glads of the sama pattern this season right?
The middle multiple straps? zipped back perhaps?

what about T bar gladiators?
with double fake buckles at the side..why fake?
because you don't have to buckle & unbuckle everytime
as it is has hooksto secure the glads in place ;p
furthermore, the buckles are adjustable so everyone of all sizes can wear it comfortably.

one word: COOL.well..maybe two!
who's in for the kill?
Made of patent leather
Only Available in Blue*updated 5/8/08*
RM 50.00
Sizes Available:
35(4) - sold to laura
36(5) - sold to azi
37(6) - sold to qlala
38(7) - sold to athyra
39(8) - sold to dalila
2nd batch restock in black:
35(4) -sold to liyana
36(5) - sold to aisya
37(6) - sold to farhanna
38(7) - sold to fara fatihah
39(8) - sold to leeya
3rd batch restock in black:
35(4) - sold to khoo bee
36(5) - sold to ying yi
37(6) - sold to niena
38(7) - sold to Nur Huda
39(8) - sold to meen's friend

*click for larger picture*
1st batch restock in white:
35(4) - sold to ati's friend
36(5) - sold to ati
37(6) - sold to clarissa
38(7) -sold to sakinatul

*click for larger picture*
-updated 5/8/08-
1st batch restock in blue:
35(4) - sold to atikah
36(5) - sold to jullisa
37(6) - sold to t.z buyer
38(7) - sold to t.z buyer
39(8) - sold to bijou.b buyer
-updated 1/8/08-
*NOT restockable*